The Coronavirus at Home List
What’s there to do while stuck indoors? We’ve compiled some suggestions to help make your time quarantined as interesting – and perhaps even as productive – as possible.
Find Out What You Can Learn
Download Duolingo, or Voces Digital, and teach yourself a foreign language.
Work on your typing skills! See if you can get faster and more efficient by taking a typing course.
Take a free online course from Stanford, Yale, MIT, Harvard, Berkeley, or Oxford. Really.
Curious about audiobooks? Check out 1,000 you can download for free;)
Wondering how to fill the hours as you “homeschool” your kids? There are loads of educational sites making their resources free and accessible during the coronavirus time at home. Even in math!
Want to lay back and relax with your kids, but don’t want to melt their brains with too much screen time? Download a story for free that you both can listen to! Curl up in the blankets and let your imaginations take flight.
Love Opera? Hate it? Annoy your neighbors as you experience The Meteropolitan Opera free online.
Want to learn how to code? Want to teach your kids how to code? Check out Tynker.
Take that idea you have to the next level in an e-book. This company is opening up their platform and making it free to support everyone during the coronavirus.
Find that deep peace that comes from scrolling through kittens and puppies on r/aww on Reddit.
Turn off the Coronavirus Updates, Lay Back and Watch Some TV!
Movies! And more movies! Here’s a quick list from the New York Times.
Looking for a series instead, and feel like you’ve already scrolled through every option? Try these recommendations for Netflix, Amazon, and Hulu.
Watch the films that won Oscars for best picture.
Watch films that won Independent Spirit Awards for best picture.
Watch the “Star Wars” movies (obv!)
Watch Game of Thrones (double obv!)
Make Your Space Shine
Organize your space and fold all of your clothes into neat little squares. If you haven’t heard of Marie Kondo yet, check her out. Or better yet, binge watch it on Netflix.
Finally get around to fixing that broken door knob and loose tile or cleaning scuffed up walls.
Rearrange your furniture. It’s amazing what four feet to the left can do;) Your set up will feel fresh.
Organize your sock drawer. It is strangely satisfying if you can motivate to start.
Clear the air if there is rising tension in the house. Create some peace with a healthy talk.
Baking and Creativity During the Coronavirus
Make some of Vermont’s finest CBD chocolates:)
Write poetry. Or make a little poem you can read to your Mom for Mother’s Day (on above video chat platforms;)
Listen to some music. Here are 100 songs to help lift your spirits during a pandemic
Coloring books! You’ve got the time to dive in a even finish a whole picture!
Write a short story or get started on that novel.
Make coffee, but this time study how many beans you use, which types, how hot the water is, how long it brews and whether any of that makes a difference.
Have your own terpene tasting experiment;)
Learn how to braid (fishtail, French, etc.) via YouTube tutorial..
Actually try to reproduce something you see on Pinterest. Probably fail. Try again.
Edit your photos. Mark those favorites with little hearts. Then you can just look at the favorites gallery to make a photobook! Fill it up and have it sent to you (or a friend or a family member who needs some cheering up right now).
Indoor scavenger hunt! Find some riddles for clues here!
Feel that Health!
Try out some functional fitness right next to your couch. Check out some suggestions here.
Acquire a foam roller and treat yourself to some physical therapy.
Meditate. Try lying down with your eyes closed, palms up and while focusing on your breath. There are loads of guided meditations on Youtube🙂
Stretch. Work on your flexibility. Amazing for your body, and you might relax a bit too.
Take deep breaths, in through your nose and out through your mouth.
Sleep. Get lots of it.
Health on all levels takes some goal-setting:) Take time to reflect: What have you accomplished in the last year? What goals are you setting for yourself in the next year?
Stay Connected during the Coronavirus
Use Skype, FaceTime, Google Hangouts, Zoom, or Marco Polo to video chat with your groups/ and friends.
Be of service! Create a Google document of shows or movies you’re watching and share it among family and friends.
Connect with your family history. (You’ll be glad you did). Interview your grandparents (over the phone, of course) and save the audio.
If you are able, buy gift cards from your favorite local businesses to help keep them in business while we quarantine.
Make a list of things for which you are grateful.
Coronavirus Quarantine Reading: Visit, Scroll, Games, and more
Reddit is a scroller’s heaven, and a troller’s playground:) If you haven’t ventured onto this platform before, check out some of Cannaflower™’s favorite communities: r/hempflowers, r/CBDhempbuds, and r/CBD.
Get into comics with digital subscriptions on your tablet, like Marvel Unlimited.
If you have Kindle, then check out these titles on the NTY best sellers list for under a $1
Alternate reading the Harry Potter series and then watch the movie.
Are you a gamer? Check out what this group is doing to bring some kindness to the community.
Cards! Crazy 8’s, Solitare, War, Go-Fish, Poker. The possibilities are endless!
Our Wishes for You and Yours
As the coronavirus brings us to take care of ourselves and those around us, please know we send you our warmest thoughts. We wish you and yours much strength and vibrant health.
However you choose to fill your days, know that you are not alone.
If you have any questions, please know we are here for you. The best part of our day is when we get an email from you. When you order from Cannaflower™, you’re family. Welcome home.
* FDA Disclosure: We do encourage all of our customers to seek medical advice before beginning with our CBD products. Medical conditions should always be discussed with your doctor. Interim guidance for any of the symptoms discussed in this article would be to call your doctor’s office.
All of our products, hemp plant derivatives, have been lab tested and are available on our website.
The health benefits of less than 0.3% thc industrial hemp legalized by the 2018 Farm Bill, CBD strains/hemp bud strains, CBG flower, full-spectrum oil, or other varieties, our pre-rolls, our high CBD oil, or our product descriptions have not been intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Our statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).